The main difference between the people living int he civilized societies and the people living in the pre-civilized societies is the life-style. The people living in the civilized societies have had settled life-style. This mean that they have been engaged in agriculture, producing surplus of food, and having much more spare time to focus on other things, such as sciences, philosophy, architecture etc. The people living in the pre-civilized societies were nomads. They were constantly moving from one place to another in order to be able to find food sources for themselves, as well as for their livestock, if they had any at all. This left them with only one purpose and objective in their lives, survival.
There is a role for the United Nations still as a Peacekeeper in today's world because they can't necessarily force a country to make or keep peace but they can go to a country with a smaller war going on and slowly make peace and as they progress with the small countries they can move onto the bigger countries to make peace.
Hitler broke the treaty of Versailles in 1938 by putting troops in the demilitarized zone between France and Germany. He also invaded Poland and annexed Austria despite the warnings not to by the later to become Allied Powers.
The correct answer is D. Marbury v. Madison was the first time a law was declared unconstitutional.
Marbury v. Madison was a judicial ruling issued by the Supreme Court in 1803, through which the Supreme Court created the power of judicial review, a legal institute that allowed it to review the constitutionality of government acts and the different laws, thus seeking protect the legal system of the country, to avoid laws or conduct contrary to the Constitution of the United States. In this way, the Supreme Court became the arbitrator that defines the legality of government norms and conduct, becoming the final interpreter of the Constitution.
The answer you're looking for is c.