-Al anteponerse al verbo <u>exige la presencia del pronombre lo, la, los, las</u>
-Es conmutable por los pronombres personales
lo, la, los, las...
-Desempeña la función de sujeto en la oración pasiva
-Nunca aparece en oraciones atributivas (con verbo copulativo).
All of these sentances are talking about hair color. the first three are talking about black hair.
To identify the teams that will reach the finals, a proper reading of the text must be made and the facts must be followed up.
<h3>How to identify the
Teams that will reach the
To identify the teams that will reach the finals, the first thing you must do is to make a conscious reading of the given text, identifying all the vocabulary and following up on the stories, in order to locate winners and losers.
Subsequently, you must identify by name each of the teams that emerged victorious in their matches and verify whether or not they reached the final.
More information about Spanish:
Debes ir bien vestido para las entrevistas.
Debes sonreir y tener buena actitud al buscar trabajo.
Debes llegar a tiempo a tus entrevistas.
NO llegues tarde a tus entrevistas.
No busques trabajos lejos de ti.
No llegues despeinado a tus entrevistas