D. called
A function is executed when it is called.
Function definition comprises of the code body of the function.For example:
int add(int a, int b){
return a+b;
Function declaration or function prototype specifies the signature of the function ( number and type of arguments, return type). e.g,
int add(int a,int b);
Function call is when the function is executed with actual arguments:
This will return 6 upon execution of function body.
The answer to this question is Java,C++.
We can assign non static final variables a value with the declaration or in the constructor but this is not the case with c++ because we have to assign value during declaration and c++ equivalent of final is const keyword and there is sealed or readonly keywords in c# not final.If we do not assign value at the time of declaration the const variable will contain garbage value which cannot be changed afterwards.
see attached
A differential equation solver says the exact solution is ...
y = 5/2 -14e^(-2x) +1/2e^(-4x)
The y-values computed by Euler's method will be ...
y = ∆x·y' = 0.1(5 - e^(-4x) -2y)
The attached table performs these computations and compares the result. The "difference" is the approximate value minus the exact value. (When the step size is decreased by a factor of 10, the difference over the same interval is decreased by about that same factor.)
CAVA’s Academic Integrity Policy refers to Calfornia Virtual Academic’s policy book for students of their schools, which are public charter schools in the state of California.
In the handbook, it is mentioned that students who commit plagiarism will be required to re-submit the assignment during the first offence; will receive a fail grade for the assignment during the second offence; and will be withdrawn from a course or even the school during the third offence.
Thus the answer to the question is (D) all of the above.