alex it is me parker....
ur bf...
i...miss you....Jamie....and i are not......friends anymore
im very lonely..and i need u so much right now
i will wait
i love you
Gulf of Mexico is located on the east of Mexico
The Pacific Ocean is located on the south and west of Central American
The Caribbean Sea is located on the southeast of the Gulf of Mexico
I got it right on edge.
The executive branch of each state is responsible for administering the day-to-day operations of government, providing services, and enforce law.
Détente is a word of French origin that means to ease hostilities with an adversary.
When Nixon took office in 1969, he promoted a détente policy with the Soviet Union and China, advised by his secretary of the state: Henry Kissinger.
Nixon visited China in 1972, and met personally with Mao Zedong. This event was the start of a new relation between the U.S. and China.
He also met with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in 1972, and reached important agreements like the Anti-Ballistic missile treaty.
Most historians coincide that this policy of détente was successful, and helped Nixon become reelected.