Yes I think that each side has good things to say about the other side. This is because I think that many people's political viewpoints don't always perfectly align to one party or the other. In reality, life is much more complicated than picking one side. Sure some people might agree with policies from the Democrat's side, but they might see other Republican views to be valid as well. I like to think of it as a buffet of ideas, where people tend to pick and choose which talking points they magnetically snap to. We could have for example a socially liberal person but who supports conservative financial measures; or we could have someone who has very religious conservative morals, but supports liberal monetary policies.
In other words, it's unrealistic to assume people will be purely one party. Those who seem that way tend to be stuck in a bubble where it's like a feedback loop of talking points fed to them. Fox News is one example of this on the conservative side, while MSNBC is an example of this on the liberal side. Those stuck in this bubble would likely not have much nice things to say about the other side, if they have anything nice to say at all. However, I think to some (if not many) people, politics has become very toxic that they simply turn the tv off entirely. By "turn off", I mean literally turn it off or change the channel to something else. These people I'd consider somewhere in the middle in a moderate range. Furthermore, these moderates are likely to have some nice things to say about both sides, but they might have their complaints about both sides as well.
In short, if you pick someone from either extreme, then it's likely they'll have nothing nice to say about the other side. If you pick someone from the middle, then they might have nice things to say about both sides. It all depends who you ask. Also, it depends on how politically active they are.
15. Authors such as Alexander Hamilton and James Madison made "The Federalist Papers". This piece of literature used written to gain support to convince people to ratify the proposed united states constitution.
16. Colonists had to advantage of fighting in their own land since they knew it better and play defensive. Britain had to disadvantage of having to send ships of supplies and men to the colonies, costing very much.
Maize is another word for corn.
In many languages, the word for corn is similar to the word "maize."
Life in America during the mid 1800's was very complex. On one hand you have free and enslaved blacks constantly facing prejudice and discrimination in American society. Politicians all over the South used their best persuasion skills to convince white Southerners that blacks were inferior to whites as a means to justify the institution of slavery.
Also happening in America during this time was a huge amount of immigration from countries like Ireland. The Great Famine in Ireland that took place during the 1840's resulted in a huge amount of emigrants (people moving to another country to live there permanently) greatly increased the population of the North. Despite this increase in population, there were still many American citizens who were anti-immigration. This group was known as nativists. These nativists feared that immigrants would come into America, take jobs from American citizens, and would try to change the values of America.