Fruits and vegetables contain important vitamins, minerals and plant chemicals. They also contain fibre. There are many varieties of fruit and vegetables available and many ways to prepare, cook and serve them. A diet high in fruit and vegetables can help protect you against cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
The Mayan and other Mesoamerican cultures used a vigesimal number system based on base 20 (and, to some extent, base 5), probably originally developed from counting on fingers and toes. The numerals consisted of only three symbols: zero, represented as a shell shape; one, a dot; and five, a bar.
2 opposite forces
Conflict between two opposite forces idead or belief
for short
2 opposite forces
location and level of development
North America is a producer of coal, used in energy production; bauxite, used to create aluminum; iron and copper, both used in construction; and nickel, used to create steel. Gold and silver mines operate in the western part of the continent.