President Jackson felt very strongly about Indian Removal (The Trail of Tears) and he would probably say something along the lines of American territories no longer belonging to the Natives and that they should be relocated to the West.
spain & germany
the French were Huguenots (French Protestants)
In Austria unitarianism was popular as well as Anabaptists, Orthodox, and Jewish
In England, Protestantism was popular as a reaction to the Roman Catholics
October 24, 1916 - At Verdun, the French under General Robert Nivelle, begin an ambitious offensive designed to end the German threat there by targeting Fort Douaumont and other German-occupied sites on the east bank of the Meuse River. The attack is preceded by the heaviest artillery bombardment to-date by the French.
-a natural linking man,nature, and the cosmos(heaven).
The American embargo on sales to Japan was created because Japan was in a war with China and was using our imported goods and oil to create weapons. However, the embargo later led to the bombing of Pearl Harbor and WWII. It made Japan invade China to obtain needed resources.