Conceived as "Three Days of Peace and Music," Woodstock was a product of a partnership between John Roberts, Joel Rosenman, Artie Kornfield and Michael Lang. Their idea was to make enough money from the event to build a recording studio near the arty New York town of Woodstock
because it became cheaper, speedier manufacturing and shipping methods, it increased in consumers appetite for up-to-the-minute styles, and the increase in consumer purchasing power—especially among young people—to indulge these instant-gratification desires.
I hope this helped you ;)
True! During imperialism, many European countries colonized African nations, making them colonies of Europe. So therefore, many present African nations and states were once colonies. Hope this helped, lmk if you need anything else!
Hello, I am Recordofraganrok! Welcome to Brainly! Hope you find your best of help on this platform!
Here is your answer:
⇒ Counterculture youth questioned their parents' cultural values, particularly racial segregation, the Vietnam War, social mores, women's rights, and materialism. Hippies were the most populous countercultural group, consisting primarily of white middle-class people.
Answer: Did hitler actually die?
it is to be said that he went to africa and shot somebody else look it up