D. when products generally become more expensive over time
The answer is Imaginary audience. The made-up audience refers to a state where an individual imagines and believes that masses of people are aggressively listening to or observing him or her. Though this state is frequently shown in young adolescence, people of any age may harbor a fantasy of an imaginary audience.
Un ciudadano global es alguien que conoce y comprende el mundo en general, y su lugar en él. Asumen un papel activo en su comunidad y trabajan con otros para hacer que nuestro planeta sea más pacífico, sostenible y más justo.
Usé la web para encontrar esta respuesta, así que condiméntela con sus propias palabras.
Answer:A weak immune system
When people get older their immune system becomes weak including the function of the T cells which are cells responsible for fighting infections.
This means it becomes hard to recover from a flue when someone get sick and they are always prone to sickness since their immune system no longer has the power to fight infections.
Yes, this is true!
One of the reasons why this is true is that the person starts to be independent then, so they no longer describe themselves with respect to their parents.
Another reason is that they by this time have developed personal characteristics upon which they can base their identity.