imagination or inner vision
1. Health and Human services
2. Department of defense
3. Department of agriculture
4. Treasury department
5. Department of education
1. (for)tv is a good thing because it give you access to news channels to keep up-to date about what’s going on around the world
2. (for) tv is a good thing because it gives you entertainment for when you have nothing to do
1.( against) tv is a waste of money especially if you don’t watch it all the time
2. (against) tv can negatively affect someone physically and mentally if they watch too much of it all the time
hope these helped steer you in the right direction
<h3>Judith Sargent Murray would have disagreed to Benjamin Franklin's view on the role of women. She would have responded to Franklin by saying that women is so much more than their ability to carry a child.</h3>
It is possible the answer is voice