Barthky argues that foucault's work is important to feminist thought and describes the internalization process of female body where women unconciously accept to be percieved in a certain way. However, this can also happen to men when they internalize the dominant patriarch values.
Some countries are less developed than others because they lack resources and there are structural inequalities. Nepal is still a less developed country because of the rugged geography and endemic poverty of a large part of its population.
Using the Human Development Index Nepal is ranked as a medium in the human development category. The Human Development Index considers factors life expectancy
, average years of schooling, and the GNI per capita. Between 1990 and 2018 Nepal improved on these indicators by 52%. This is impressive for a country that in 1950 was still an isolated and highly agrarian society with very few schools or hospitals. There was a lack of roads and communication, and there was little to no electric power to fuel industries.
Today, agriculture still dominates the economy. About 65% are employed in agriculture and it makes up close to 32% of Nepal's GDP. Only about 20% of the terrain is cultivable. The rest is mountainous or forested and the economy is shored up by foreign remittances of workers who emigrate temporarily or semi-perminantly to other countries.
As a means of communicating ideas and storing information, written language is the single most important and far-reaching technology available to humans and has served as the foundation for virtually all other information technologies from early etchings in clay to the world of digital access that we enjoy today.
I'm not sure but it may be Boston Harbor?
Hope it helps!
During closed kinematic chain for knee flexion, the femoral condyles roll <u>posteriorly </u>and glide <u>anteriorly</u>.
The patella shifts from the superior (shallower) to the inferior (deeper) section of the trochlear groove during knee flexion. As a result, across the range of knee motion, the patella's articulating surface on the femur changes.
The translation of the femoral condyle during knee flexion is smaller at the medial compartment than at the lateral side of the knee, according to many early investigations. 4, 6, 28 The medial-pivoting rotation of the knee during flexion is the term used in literature to describe this kind of knee movement.
The femur will roll anteriorly and glide posteriorly on the stable tibial base in a closed kinetic chain, controlling the movement of the tibia.
To learn more about knee flexion, refer