D .job interview...........
Translation proceeds in three phases: Initiation: The ribosome assembles around the target mRNA. The first tRNA is attached at the start codon. Elongation: The tRNA transfers an amino acid to the tRNA corresponding to the next codon.
Carbon is found in hydrosphere in the form of dissolved carbon in ocean and sea water during the gas exchange process.
- Carbon cycle is the process of transformation of carbon in different forms. From atmosphere, the carbon gets into hydrosphere during the gas exchange processes.
- During this gas exchange process, the carbon is dissolved in the ocean water which is later utilized by marine plants to conduct photosynthesis.
- There is a continuous transformation of carbon from lands, plants to atmosphere and from atmosphere to hydrosphere.
Well, to answer your first question, Because there are places on Earth that are both biologically rich — and deeply threatened. For our own sake, we must work to protect them. and for your 2nd question, 3 characteristics of magnetic reversal are: field, bar magnet, and molten material. Hope this helps