The southern factories were built to serve the interest of farmers because these industries were agricultural based which implies that there would be more benefit in having related industries in the region. This would help in cutting costs such as transport which meant higher benefits for farmers.
Answer: evry thing but its so hard to imagine how cruel humanity can be
they where burnt gassed and starved to death for what crime might you ask ?
for being jewish ! they lost all their family and lively hood and life
In April 1917, assisted by Germans, Lenin returned to Russia from Switzerland. At once he took control and direction over the Bolsheviks. He prepared to seize power using a clear plan: First the Bolsheviks had to gain control of the Petrograd Soviet.
US president Franklin Roosevelt, British prime minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet premier Joseph Stalin, the leaders of the Allies in World War II, met at Yalta in February, 1945.
Churchill and Roosevelt pushed strongly for Stalin to allow free elections to take place in the nations of Europe after the war. At that time Stalin agreed, but there was a strong feeling by the other leaders that he might renege on that promise. The Soviets never did allow those free elections to occur. Later, Winston Churchill wrote, ""Our hopeful assumptions were soon to be falsified." Stalin and the Soviets felt they needed the Eastern European nations as satellites to protect their own interests. A line of countries in Eastern Europe came into line with the USSR and communism. Churchill later would say an "iron curtain" had fallen between Western and Eastern Europe.
Answer: In 1834, trade barriers between German states were eliminated and this paved the way for bigger and more attractive market for producers. Mining areas boomed as demand for coal rose during this time, and this gave rise to higher incomes to the population.