The French Revolution and the American Revolution were almost direct results of Enlightenment thinking. The idea that society is a social contract between the government and the governed stemmed from the Enlightenment as well
cars and phones made modern city life possible
It started with the "Black Ships" of 1854, when the USA forcibly opened up Japan for trade and westernization.
On the 1st of March 1854, Commodore Matthew Perry opened up Japan for trade by showing them his armada of steel ships which were superior to anything the Japanese had. At the time, the emperor had no real power, it was the Shogun who ruled the country. However, as the country westernized (becoming more like the western countries), Japan eventually had a government with different parties instead.
Ever since 1854, a feeling of nationalism had been growing since the Japanese were forced out of their old ways.
Also because westernization included colonialism, expansionism, capitalism, and nationalism.
Nationalism in Japan in the 19th century (1800's) was not a big problem until the 20th century. It was then that the fear of communism created more nationalistic feelings, as well as that certain movements wanted Japan to rule East Asia. This eventually led to the unintentional invasion of China by the Kwantung army that the government had lost control of, which led to the Sino-Japanese war.
Because of this war, the USA eventually brought an oil embargo on Japan, which Japan needed to continue fighting.
So the conclusion is that the nationalism of the 19th century led to Japan's attack on Pearl Harbour, and a military ruled government in Japan.
The resolution of the XYZ affair shows the United States wanted to establish diplomatic relationships with other countries and avoid non-ethical negotiations.
The XYZ affair was a diplomatic conflict between the United States and France, this conflict occurred by the end of the 18th century and led to a naval war.
This diplomatic conflict was considered controversial because members of the French government tried to bribe the American diplomats to begin the negotiations. This event was opposed by the American government, and the conflict between both countries increased.
All this situation led the United States to two main actions:
- The creation of the Alien and Sedition act that restricted immigrants, especially those from "hostile nations".
- The creation of protocols for official communications and negotiations between countries.
These two actions show the willingness of the United States to create diplomatic relationships with other countries but avoid a similar situation that involved bribes or non-ethical communication.
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