Latin both is and was used to spread information and knowledge. Look at scientific nomenclature, classic Catholic texts, or the art of the Renaissance; Latin is usually the basis of, lr at least or included in the work itself. Latin was used for this purpose because, as Latin is a dead language, it doesn’t change. Any other language, as it is still spoken, may be morphed or changed with small inconsistencies in dialects or spellings over time. Since Latin isn’t regularly spoken, it allows for knowledge to remain the same over time and lands. This is why Latin was the choice for a universal language used to communicate the vast amounts of know,edge being discovered at the time.
I hope this helps :)
The Answer is that the major supplies of heroin in United States comes from Mexico and Columbia.
Heroin is a type of opioid drug that is made of morphine and it is also known as diamorphine, and when you take this drug it rapidly enters into the brain and then forms a bond with opioid receptor cells. This is highly addictive drug and it is used worldwide.
It’s from the ved I have crush it in the back of the
Answer: because it is disgusting and they wanted to keep their sole in the bodies
The Church and Galileo were at odds with each other because Galileo asserted that the earth orbits around the sun; in other words the sun is at the centre of the universe. The church disagreed because the Bible states that the Earth is at the centre of the universe. Unfortunately, Galileo did not have any evidence to prove his hypothesis. Evidence supporting Galileo's theories has been found in the centuries after Galileo's death. The conflict was resolved when Galileo withdrew his assertions based on the lack of evidence.