Answer: If we abolish The Electoral College the election would be decided by Florida, the East Coast and the West Coast. Liberals would win every time with the big cities.
slavery and its influence on American politics and society
The choices to each question are as follows:
1. Why did the Founders include the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses about religion in the First Amendment?
C. They believed that in order to have a democracy, all Americans should embrace the same religious values.
2. How has the Supreme Court reshaped its interpretation of the Second Amendment?
C. It upheld prohibitions against the possession of firearms by felons.
3. A state constitution states that it has been written to establish justice, maintain order, and perpetuate liberty. This closely aligns with which section of the U.S. Constitution?
A. The Preamble
4. Which of the following are reasons that the government may limit individual rights for the public good? Select all that apply. (Three answers)
B. to promote health
C. to promote morals
E. to promote safety
5. How did the U.S. government show that it agreed with Dr. King?
D. Beginning in 1957, Congress passed a series of civil rights laws that ensured the rights of African Americans and other minority groups.
After Douglass escaped, he wanted to promote freedom for all slaves. He published a newspaper in Rochester, New York, called The North Star. It got its name because slaves escaping at night followed the North Star in the sky to freedom.
He became a leader in the abolitionist movement, which sought to end the practice of slavery, before and during the Civil War. After that conflict and the Emancipation Proclamation of 1862, he continued to push for equality and human rights until his death in 1895.