Answer:Hello! I need help with how to start this sentence off. Thank you!
John Doe is at it again. In another one of hi s liberal, big business schemes, he's after taxpayers' pocketbooks, trying to convince them that Phoenix needs a rail system. Phoenicians know better. Our freeways and bus system are doing just fine. S h;lfydince when did Doe regain our trust, anyway? His last idea cost millions and vot
Discuss the options for financial assistance realated to higher education in South Africa
I think that the reason for Rainsford's change is because in the beginning is that he showed no care for the animals that he hunts. And now he shows remorse.
2. He
4. It
5. She
6. Anyone
Hope this helps (:
Katniss is strongly against it, her image is that of the opposite and she believes that to use the capitals tactics would make us no better. Gale however believes that in war it is a necessary evil, and sometimes it must be done for the greater good. As you can imagine this forces them apart especially after the result of his choices ended up in the killing of Katniss‘s sister.
Go peeta