You would never know what the setting is,if the characters are not known and if the settings are unknown the story would have to turn to the theme or the plot. when the charaters are unknown the effect is losing place in the story. It might be confusing but if it help letme know!!
The clue word "however" almost always indicates a "contrast". This is because when using this word, the writer can on one hand agree with what he or she is saying, but offer a different point of view to be considered.
Which book.
First one, she impressed them with her amazing shot by shooting the apple, and it was unique because it was risky. She in a way, called them out for their lack of attention, which is an attitude few tributes have.
Second one wasn’t so unique because it was similar to peetas, but again she called them out for killing (no spoilers).
Ahhh yeah I took this before it was pretty easy but some where really hard but in overall it was easy
because it creates a dramatic effect between the main character and peter.
i read the pages