Answer: A sea breeze occurs due to the difference in temperature between the ocean and the land. As land heats up during the afternoon, air above it begins to rise forming a low pressure are near the land. then cool air, situated in high pressure areas, spreads across the water and moves in over land.
Answer: the answer should be C
Sensitive questions will make the respondents cautious when answering the next question since they will still be thinking about it
The main aim of a survey is to collect or gather data that will increase knowledge in fields such as social research and Demography.
Thoughts, opinions and feelings are assessed.
To get credible data, the respondents have to be truthful and unbiased in answering the questions.
Therefore, asking sensitive questions will lead to the respondents being biased and less truthful on answering later questions.
They should not be compensated because they do it out of free will and the eggs are valuable than any amount you can think of.
No.This may draw the students attention to the money they often give rather than their studies