i really dont know but i did try to help u
Azimuthal map projections
The Azimuthal map projections come in a circular shape. They represent the whole world but in a different manner than that of the other map projections. The other map projections tend to have problems with the size of the objects as they get further away from the Equator, but this map projection doesn't have that problem. The Azimuthal map projections actually represent all of the places on Earth with their correct distances from the central point, and they all have their sizes correct proportionally to the scale, thus making an accurate map projection.
I think true don't count me 100 percent
The growth of the plants is the dependent variable, the stuff added to each plant is the independent variable, the plants that don't receive treatment/other stuff are control variables.
towards the inside hyperpolarising the neuron
GABA(gamma amino butyric acid) is an inhibitor neurotransimitter. When it attaches to the post-synaptic segment it causes an influx of anions that makes is harder to generate an action potential.