Grúas semi pórtico, carretilla pórtico, side lifter, grúas torre, grúas puente, grúas flotantes... y mas
Espero q esto te ayude! :))
The following code is written in Java. It creates the Bug class with the position and direction variables. Then it creates a constructor, move method, turn method, and getPosition method. Finally, a bug object called bugsy is created in the main method, and we move it once to the right, then again to the right, and then we turn it and move it 5 times to the left, printing out the position when it is done moving. Output can be seen in the attached picture below.
class Brainly {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Bug bugsy = new Bug(10);
System.out.println("Current bug position: " + bugsy.getPosition());
System.out.println("Current bug position: " + bugsy.getPosition());
System.out.println("Current bug position: " + bugsy.getPosition());
class Bug {
char direction = 'r';
int position = 0;
public Bug(int initialPosition) {
this.position = initialPosition;
public void turn() {
if (this.direction == 'r') {
this.direction = 'l';
} else {
this.direction = 'r';
public void move() {
if (this.direction == 'r') {
this.position += 1;
} else {
this.position -= 1;
public int getPosition() {
return this.position;
The correct answer is B. This is unacceptable because Brad is not registered in State B
Brad is a registered Investment Advisory Representative (IAR) in State A.
In the question, it's not stated that Brad is not registered in State B.
Setting up an office in State B is unacceptable because Brad is holding himself out as an IAR in State B and he is not registered as an IAR in State B.
Though GHI is a registered firm in State B, Brad also needs to be registered before setting up an office in other states.
The attached files contain the realization of a D flip-flop from an RS flip-flop. It also contains the truth tables for both kinds of flip-flops
An SR flip flop is like a light switch. Set turns it 'on' and reset turns it 'off'
A D type flip-flop is a clocked flip-flop which has two stable states. A D type flip-flop operates with a delay in input by one clock cycle.
D type flip-flops are easily constructed from an SR flip-flop by simply connecting an inverter between the S and the R inputs so that the input to the inverter is connected to the S input and the output of the inverter is connected to the R input.