Wimax is a family standards of a communication of bandwidth, this is a standard IEEE 802.16, was created to provide data velocity like 30 or 40 megabits per seconds, but in 2011 was updated, and now can provide 1 gigabit per second, the name WiMAX is for a forum created in 2001 to promote the standard.
I have to type 20 characters here so...
Assumes indentation has a logical purpose
No period
In this situation OR operator are used
In this operator if one input is one then the out put will be one or if one condition is true and one is false the result is true.The out put is always one in this truth table except input output both are zero
Truth table of OR
0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 1
Interference of signal and the range between the user and the access point.
Elevators, specifically those with high voltage, are notoriously known for being a source of very strong magnetic fields. They produce a lot of harmonics that causes signal interference and noise. Whenever there is any kind of noise in a network, it causes huge intermittent connection. Also, the farther away the user is from the router or the AP, the weaker the signals and the more the intermittencies. The user is recommended to be within the edges if the range limit.