For this all you have to do is read over it and get some small facts and info, Instead of just one paragraph write 2 it will get you extra credit, but if you dont want to do that skim read it write down some facts and explain the facts.
1. Fujimori is elected president of Peru.
2. Fujimori tries to solve the economic crisis but runs into many obstacles.
3. Fujimiori dissolves Congress and say the Constitution can be ignored.
4. Fujimiori uses tanks and tear gas to stop Congress from meeting.
5. Fujimiori successfully solves the economic problems and terrorism troubles in Peru.
6. Scandal breaks out over illegal activity in Fujimori's government.
7. President Fujimori flees to Japan.
8. Fujimori is sentenced to a total of 31 years in prison.
Early civilizations were ancient and did not
have great technologies and the knowledge and help the early colonists of the
Americas got from the Europeans.
are plenty of reasons that could justify referring to these civilizations as
distinct from other peoples. What really distinguishes the Aztecs, the Mayans,
the Apachee tribes and others, from the rest of the world, is that they were
confined within an area that kept them from interacting with the Europeans, the
Asians, and the Africans, and thus spreading their culture there. That led to
the isolation of the people in the Americas, resulting to their civilizations
being seemingly 'prehistoric'. What I mean by that is that they couldn't have
access to materials that would in turn allow them to use more advanced
technology. While they did have plenty of chocolate, there are other things
that they definitely lacked, and as such we can see that their weapons were
inadequate, and in comparison to those of the Europeans, they were petty. It's
also noteworthy that there were no longer horses in the Americas, seeing as
they had all died out. The first horse that arrived in the continent, after a
long time, belonged to the Spanish armada. This is the most significant reason
as to how the civilizations in America were different than those in the rest of
the world. While I can name other reasons, such as distinctly different
architecture, different cuisine, way of life, etc., these are not as noteworthy
as the previous reasons that I named.
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The enslaved people in Sparta were called Helots.
They were actually the majority of the people in the land dominated by Sparta, according to Herodotus, as many as seven times more than the Spartans.
They worked primarily in agriculture.
The Helots were regularly killed by the Spartans.