The correct answer is: Segregation continued, and citizens experienced many more years of legal segregation.
Although, to be frank, segregation did more than continue. It thrived.
After Plessy, states and counties were given carte blanche to loosely define what "separate but equal" meant.
The best known example of ancient Egyptian architecture are the Egyptian pyramids while excavated temples, palaces, tombs and fortresses have also been studied. Most buildings were built of locally available mud brick and limestone by levied workers. Monumental buildings were built via the post and lintel method of construction. Many buildings were aligned astronomically. Columns were typically adorned with capitals decorated to resemble plants important to Egyptian civilization, such as the papyrus plant.
Ancient Egyptian architectural motifs have influenced architecture elsewhere, reaching the wider world first during the Orientalizing period and again during the nineteenth-century Egyptomania.
Containment is a geopolitical strategic foreign policy pursued by the United States. It is loosely related to the term cordon sanitaire which was later used to describe the geopolitical containment of the Soviet Union in the 1940s. The strategy of "containment" is best known as a Cold War foreign policy of the United States and its allies to prevent the spread of communism after the end of World War II.
The problem isn't just that teachers lack experience with remote instruction. For reasons scientists only partially understand, it's demonstrably harder to learn via video than in person. ... But they can't maintain the necessary attentional focus for an entire Zoom class, so learning suffers.