After his naval defeat at the Battle of Trafalgar against the British, in which he lost his entire naval fleet, he decided to attempt to invade Russia. After this attempt to invade, he was defeated once more. After this, Napoleon was placed in home out of France so he could not rule over it. Napoleon escaped this home, and returned to Paris to continue his reign. Napoleon then tried to take control of more land in Europe where he was again defeated at the Battle of Waterloo where UK, Prussia, and the Netherlands all teamed up against the French. Napoleon was then taken to Saint Helena, an island off of the coast of Africa, where he later died.
The answer is D, the right to a speedy public trial. All trials are public not private.
For Germany the treat of Versailles dealt them a heavy hand. They were imposed land, economic and military restraints as well as forced to pay a great deal of the reparations cost for countries like France. Whom during world war one had received heavy damages.
More specific on territory, Germany's land were split between different nations. Such as the Rhineland which they were prohibited from occupying after losing the war.
Hope it somewhat helps :)
AKASaint Thomas AquinasThomas AquinasNICKNAME"The Universal Teacher"<span>"The Christian Apostle"</span>