making a selection in the Save in: box.<span>
Sheave wheel and hoist cable
The sheave wheel is a pulley wheel that sits above the mine shaft. The hoist cable passes over the sheave wheel and then down the shaft of the mine. The sheave wheel reduces the sliding friction of the mine cable. The head frame is the structure that supports the sheave wheel.
Image result for Which of the following is a quality of a mixed economy? 1. Businesses have complete control of what they import. 2. Individuals have complete control of what they export. 3.Leaders determine the wages of individuals without any input from businesses. 4. Government encourages free trade of specific products.
'One main characteristic of a mixed economy is the ownership of goods by both private and government/state-owned entities. Monopolies have the potential to occur in this type of economy, but the government closely monitors this. For the economy to be mixed, the government can control some parts but not all.
This question stuns me. Not sure which answer it is, but my best choice right now is probably the one you have selected in the image. A line graph would show the rate of plant growth over the course of a certain amount of days, resulting in which had the highest rates within that period. Might be wrong, but I hope you do well.
Ask someone who knows about this stuff this is weird I would say look it up maybe