A BorderLayout corresponds to a layout type where the components are organized along geographical directions represented by NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, and CENTER.
The layout class is awt determines the actual placement of components in the user interface. BorderLayout is a layout where the components are organized along geographical directions represented by NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, and CENTER. For example:
Panel p = new Panel();
p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
p.add(new TextArea(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
p.add(new Button("Close"), BorderLayout.SOUTH);
This code segment will add a textarea at the CENTER of the interface and a button 'Close' towards the SOUTH.
oid changeCase (char char_array[], int array_size ) {
mov eax, char_array;
mov edi, 0;
cmp edi, array_size;
jge exit;
mov ebx, edi;
shl ebx, 2;
mov cl, [eax + ebx];
//working on it
cmp cl, 0x41;
jl next_indx;
cmp cl, 0x7A;
jg next_indx;
cmp cl, 'a';
jl convert_down;
jge convert_up;
or cl, 0x20; //make it lowercase
jmp write;
and cl, 0x20;
jmp write;
mov byte ptr [eax + ebx], cl
inc edi;
cmp edi, array_size;
jl readArray;
mov char_array, eax;
- Move char_array to eax as it is base image
- Use ebx as offset
- Use ecx as the storage register
- check if cl is <= than ASCII value 65 (A)
Stay off of social media (mainly instagram or maybe snapchat), put yur account on private mode so you can choose who can follow you.
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that this was a recall measure of memory. In the field of neuroscience, a recall test refers to a type of test in which subjects are shows a certain stimuli and are later asked to remember as many stimuli as they can. Which in the case of the Godden and Baddeley (1975) study the stimuli were a set of words that were shown to the subjects.