Storage management
The programs that do this are known as Storage management programs. They are incredibly useful since they allow you to see which files are taking up the most amount of space as well as the importance that each file has on the system. Many of these programs have a different visual representation of the files such as pie charts or system blocks showing the percentage of space it is taking up. Everything in these programs is made to help the end-user visualize and analyze their data thoroughly.
They cannot legally check it without a warrant.
Depending on the circumstances of the arrest/check, and the method of seizure of the mobile device, you are subject to a certain set of rights, laws, or protections. First off, know that it is your right to decline the warrantless search of your mobile phone. If you are arrested or taken into police custody, you should verbally state that you do not consent to a search of your devices. A law enforcement agency is only permitted to conduct a warrantless search of your device if a compelling case for an emergency can be made.
If the authorities are using evidence obtained through an unlawful search of your mobile device against you in a criminal proceeding, you can move for that data to be suppressed under the Fourth Amendment right to freedom from incidental seizures.
Hello! The answer to your question would be as followed:
C. The columns will be listed in the results in the same order they are listed in the SELECT clause of the SELECT statement.