Disruptive innovation
Disruptive innovation are considered those new technologies, products or services whose application can greatly impact the manner in which an industry or a market functions. This is because the surpass the existing dominant product or technology. One example of a disruptive innovation is the internet. The internet altered the manner in which business was done by companies, but negatively affected those who refused to adopt it.
def analyze_text(sentence):
count = 0
e_count = 0
for s in sentence:
s = s.lower()
if s.isalpha():
count += 1
if s == "e":
e_count += 1
return "The text contains " + str(count) + " alphabetic characters, of which " + str(e_count) + " (" + str(e_count*100/count) + "%) are ‘e’."
Create a function called analyze_text takes a string, sentence
Initialize the count and e_count variables as 0
Create a for loop that iterates through the sentence
Inside the loop, convert all letters to lowercase using lower() function. Check each character. If a character is a letter, increment the count by 1. If a character is "e", increment the e_count by 1.
Return the count and e_count in required format
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C. forums
Forums are internet sites where users can meet to discuss different topics through the use of messages thereby forming chat rooms. An internet forum can be in form of a question and answer site. Most websites have internet forums where users can meet and discuss or ask questions. Sometimes there may be moderators that ensure that the posted messages are acceptable based on guidelines.