Magazine article is a printed source
We send food, medicine and supplies to many countries overseas, such as Ethiopia and Thailand.
Janice, Michael, Henry and Denis often go skating at the Oldtown Skating Rink on Monday nights.
“John played Saxophone for the band.” Said Ms. Smith.
“Let’s go swimming in the pond,” Paul said, “and then we can warm up by the fire.”
Sara, please bring in the needle, thread and scissors so that Mrs. Clarkson can mend the costumes for the school play, “Romeo and Juliet”.
The image created in my mind was that of a ship on the sea, completely away from dry land, where you can only see a blue immensity and nothing else.
The text shown in the annex, emits a series of adjectives, which allows us to create a mental image, visualizing the same as the narrator. This narrator is on a ship, which has lost contact with its base on land and is in the middle of the ocean. The narrator states that he can only see the waves of the sea and the fish. With this we can create a mental image of a blue immensity, which represents the sea, with a tiny ship in the center.