Please find attached the log graph of the count (frequency) of the elevator types
Step-by-step explanation:
The number of different elevators types = 9
The maximum count of an elevator type = 96,602
The minimum count of an elevator type = 45
The mean count or number of elevator per type = 8,454
The standard deviation of number of elevator per type = 20,599.6
Given the wide difference between the mean and the standard deviation, the values of the count or frequency can be converted into the equivalent ㏒₁₀ values to flatten the frequency bar chart or histogram as follows;
Count (f) ㏒₁₀ (f)
Passenger elevator 66,602 4.823487
Freight elevator 4,140 3.617
Escalator 2,663 3.425371
Dumbwaiter 1,143 3.058046
Sidewalk 943 2.974512
Private elevator 252 2.401401
Handicap lift 227 2.356026
Manlift 73 1.863323
Public elevator 45 1.653213
The information can then be easily graphically displayed.