Yo estoy bien is the correct answer
The answer to your question is:
1. —¿ De dónde es Patricia? —Patricia es de Colombia.
2. —¿ Quién es él? —Él es mi amigo (friend).
3. —¿ Cuántos idiomas hablas? —Hablo dos idiomas (languages).
4. —¿ Qué desean tomar? —Deseamos tomar café.
5. —¿Porqué tomas Biología? —Tomo biología porque me gustan las ciencias.
6. —¿A qué hora descansa Camilo? —Camilo descansa por las mañanas.
Literal Translation is "What day is the 27th of May" or to make it easier to understand "What day of the week is May 27th"
The answer would depend on the year.
Let's say the year is 2015. May 27th is on a Wednesday.
A possible response would be:
<span>"El día es el miércoles" which means "The day is Wednesday"
Hope this helped! :)</span>
Stairs (english) = Escaleras (spanish)