Depends on whether the genes that code for grey fur or code for white for are dominant, which ever one is dominant will show the phenotype. Assuming grey fur is dominant over white it also depends on if the grey cat is carrying white fur genes as these genes will be passed onto the kittens and with the white genes as well you may get a mix of grey and white cats. usually a punnet square is used to show this type of scenario.
.G - dominant g - recessive G G g Gg Gg g Gg Gg
This punnet square shows what happens if the grey cat has only grey genes, all the kittens will be grey as they all carry the grey gene,
G g g Gg gg g Gg gg
This punnet square shows what happens if the grey cat is carrying white fur genes, because of the white gene being present, half of the kittens would be grey and the other half would be white, even though one of the parents was grey it produced half non grey offspring because it was carrying white fur genes
Although nitrogen gas makes up 78% of the atmosphere, we can't use it because nitrogen atoms must be broken apart first before. This nitrogen is very much packed and bonded with its atoms and would be useless to use since it can't be used for plants.
Any herbivores would have thrived if left alive. same with the smaller predators like foxes or owls. populations shoot up. increase in inbreeding if the islands are isolated and eventually disease catches up with them
Pollution is the presence of harmful materials in the environment of a substance that has harmful or poisonous effects. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and Carbon monoxide (CO) are 2 pollutants of air and Industrial Waste and Sewage and Wastewater are 2 pollutants of water.