Natural hazard is a natural phenomenon that might have a negative effect on humans and other animals, or the environment. Natural disasters are caused due to different reasons like soil erosion, seismic activity, tectonic movements, air pressure, and ocean currents etc.Natural disasters cause destruction of property, loss of financial resources, and personal injury or illness. The loss of resources, security and access to shelter can lead to massive population migrations in lesser-developed countries.The hazard management process consists of a number of activities designed to reduce loss of life and destruction of property.
Phase 8) Waning Crescent : the moons sunlit part is about to disappear from the earths view .Only silver of the moons right side is viable from the earth . A solar eclipses occurs when the moon goes in front of the sun and blocks most of the suns light from the earth .
North: -economically different: produced stuff like working materials and textiles
South: -economically different: focused more on agriculture products, like sugar, tobacco, indigo, etc.
The fertile central valley is located in California. It is a flat valley that sits as the geographical center of the US. This is home to some of US' most productive agricultural area because of its fertile soil, large area, and diverse environment.
C - South / Persian Gulf
The rivers both flow south to the opposite direction of the Black Sea. They’re also not near the Mediterranean Sea nor do they flow southwest to the Dead Sea, more so they flow to the Persian Gulf.
Hope this helps!