The ‘three on the floor’ rule was implemented every time men visited women in their rooms or vice versa: the door must always be open and there must be three feet on the floor the whole time.”
this rule dates back to the period prior to the cultural revolution, when visiting between men and women students on campus was regulated by ‘parietals,’ limiting male visiting in female dormitories to certain times.
Answer: complex
Explanation: One independent and one dependent clause
C) the similarities and differences between two ideas
A Venn Diagram is created by drawing two overlapping circles. The circles do not overlap each other completely, only about half way. Then each of the circle is labeled with each of the ideas. The differences are in the parts of the circle that do not overlap while the similarities in the ideas are in the parts of the circle that overlap. For example, if you were comparing birds to mammals, one circle would be labeled birds and the other mammals. In the birds only part of the bird circle one might write feathers, wings, beaks, and hollow bones. In the mammals only circle on might write fur, drinks milk, and ears that stick out. The part of the circles that overlap to show the similarities between birds and mammals could have warm blooded, spine, and lungs.
The word “flabbergastled” doesn’t seem to exist, the closest word is “flabbergasted”
Flabbergasted means the feeling or showing intense shock, surprise, or wonder : utterly astonished
The plural of loaf is loaves.