False. Samaritan's Purse, an international organization I'm actually a part of, actually does not deal with political issues. We send gifts in shoe boxes around the world to children in war torn countries and in poverty. Some go travel here in the US, where our economy is decent. Others go to places like Iraq and Mexico, where the economy is less the desirable.
The decline in Japan's fertility rate has been attributed to several factors such as changing lifestyles, people marrying later in life or not marrying at all, and the economic insecurity of younger generation. Increasing life expectancy is another driving force behind the aging trend.
The 90-degree angle would be hotter since this is receiving the most direct sunlight concentrated in a smaller area. In areas at the equator, the angle of incoming rays from the Sun is perpendicular (90 degrees) to the Earth's surface during all days of the year. Such areas experience warm climates throughout the year
Doldrums is the calm area near the equator.