Both Harding and Coolidge are pillars of the the federal government It grows the power in regulating the economy and the states have become administrative districts. States are now dependent on the federal government. The federal government today stands as a powerful leviathan. Moreover the cost of the administrative and welfare state is at an all time high and the current national debt, which is approaching $18 trillion, threatens the economic security of the nation.
President Harding, who called for a return to “normalcy” during the 1920 campaign, pushed a conservative agenda based on reducing spending, lowering tax rates, and paying off the national debt. Upon the unfortunate death of President Harding, President Calvin Coolidge continued the “normalcy” program by further implementing spending and tax reduction and paying down the national debt. Coolidge also believed in limiting the role of the federal government and he was a believer in the traditional view of federalism.
Bismarck was an outstanding diplomat and strong-willed leader. He achieved the title of 'The Iron Chancellor' for good reason. He navigated the German states to become a united empire and a major power in Europe. He initiated social welfare reforms and maintained the peace and stability of Germany and Europe.