How can words or stories connect generations? How can interactions between generations create conflict? Can words resolve these
conflicts? What can each generation teach the other? Why might is sometimes be difficult for two generations to communicate? Why might the words of the older generation be especially important at times? What besides words can connect people of different generations?
Even thought some stories are older or newer, we can all relate at some point. Interactions between generations can cause conflict, now and days older people are always complaining about millinials, and millinials are always complaining about older people. To a certain extent, there are just some things you can understand without experience. Sometimes it might be difficult because language has changed and so has technology. Because even though they may have not experienced trouble with their iPhone, they might have had trouble with their radio, they still can help even though their advice won't apply directly. Music, there are still songs from my mother's generation that are still considered some of the best music of all time, legends. Some people still listen to that music and enjoy it thoroughly.
Only if it is NOT shown while someone is driving.
Actually, it CAN affect people if the message is presented in a way that truly causes people to see themselves in the situation.