A high school
An in-group represents a group of people who psychologically believe that they are part of that group. These groups espouse some ideology that makes members feel psychologically attached to the point of forming a group. A high school is not an in-group because people who are attending high school are not there because they feel psychologically attached to something related to high school but rather because it is their duty to attend this place.
archival research method
Professor Yarnofsky wonders whether recent acts of airline terrorism have made the public more fearful of airline flight. He secures records of the amount of flight insurance that people have purchased via machines at the airport, and compares the records of insurance purchases before the last hijacking to purchases after the last hijacking. Professor Yarnofsky has employed an <u>archival</u> research method.
Archival research is a method of research which involves searching out information or data from existing records or archives in the carrying out of the study. The advantage or archival research is that it is less expensive as the data needed are already available in storage, secondly, the biases observed in research studies involving human subjects is non-existent in archive research. There is also a lot of data in archive research which increase the accuracy of the results
Those supporting the Doctor of Psychology degree (Psy.D.) argue in favor of "the Boulder model of training clinical psychologists".
Boulder Model refers to a training model for graduate projects that tries to prepare connected clinicians with an establishment of research and logical practice. It was at first created to manage clinical psychology graduate projects authorize by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Answer: No because children need to be themselves and not have parents controle their lives