I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about. . . . I was sure they were selling something: bonds or
insurance or automobiles. They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key. page nubr
I was immediately struck by the number of young Englishmen dotted about; all well dressed, all looking a little hungry and all talking in low earnest voices to solid and prosperous Americans. I was sure that they were selling something: bonds or insurance or automobiles. They were at least agonizingly aware of the easy money in the vicinity and convinced that it was theirs for a few words in the right key.
A team or a group usually formed based on one similar goals or point of views among the members and a lot of them set up a couple of rules to be imposed among their members to prove that they're committed to the group and its cause.
A language branch exists within a family, comprising a collection of languages that are related through a common ancestral language that existed several thousand years ago.