One of the most apparent problems facing the colonists was communicating with the existing inhabitants. These early settlers also experienced major food shortages and poor medical care resulting in disease and illness.
Polk wanted California and its magnificent San Francisco Bay as the American gateway to trade with China and other Asian nations. Polk was worried that other nations, such as England or France, might take California if the United States did not act.
Governor George Wallace
Governor George Wallace was a southern democrat who was pro-segregation. He was the governor of Alabama in 1962, 70, 74, and 82. While he was governor, the anti-segregation marches in Selma began to go on. The president told him that he needed to protect the protesters, and he refused and stated that the state could not afford it. He was an important figure in the pro-segregation movement and was an important person who showed resistance.
Governor Lester Maddox
Lester Maddox was a white restaurant owner who lived in Georgia. He violated the newly formed civil rights act by refusing to serve three black customers in his restaurant, therefore he was also very big in the pro-segregation argument.
Answer: There’s no grey area with justice.
Explanation: According the this ancient wisdom, what is just comes simply from defining what is proper and setting that apart from what is not. The proper receives praise and the improper receives punishment. Being just means trying to always act properly.