Bluetooth is a wireless communication is typically limited to six feet distances
Bluetooth is one type of communication maximum it covers 10 meters to 30 meters. but it is one to one communication made for data transactions. After 25 meters of coverage on communication will be very slow on data transactions. But Bluetooth has also had a limitation.
IR. It is one of communication where infrared technology used. It is like face to face communication and speed of data transaction limited and it is also one to one communication made for data transactions. Communication paired and covered very little distances.
NFC it is chip-based and covers very little in fact just to device meet each and communication started. And very it caries very little data during the data transactions. it is also one to one communication made for data transactions
RFID is one of communication and it is powerful to cover more areas with multiple connections at the same time. It has a limitation in distance and it covers like a net with a specific distance
answer is FALSE because the
interior of commercial Hard disk drive is with stack of magnetic disks
(platters) containing the user’s data and a rotating arm supporting the magnetic
heads. The rotating arm is moved by the torque generated by a voice coil motor
(VCM) mounted at one end of the arm. Data read/write operations rely on the capability of the
governing unit of the HDD to maintain the magnetic read/write heads as close as
possible to center of the desired track. Typically, reliability of data reading
and writing is guaranteed when the head is kept within 5% of the track pitch
from the track center. This means that the accuracy required for the head positioning
is in the range of a few tens of nanometers.
<span>The answer is CTRL + A, this selects whole worksheet (A means all). In computing, a Control key is a transformer key which, when pushed in combination with one more key, achieves a singular operation (for example, Ctrl + A; like the Shift key, the Control key infrequently achieves any purpose when pushed by itself.</span>
I don't think so, it doesn't on my home phone.