1. Roosevelt's recovery program
: <u>New Deal</u>
2. fair treatment of all nations following World War I
: <u>Just peace</u>
3. Harding's postwar program
: <u>return to normalcy</u>
4. legislation controlling corporation competition practices
: <u>National Industrial Recovery Act</u>
5. Wilson's program of political and social reforms
: <u>progressivism</u>
6. program of flood control and soil conservation
: <u>Tennessee Valley Authority</u>
7. resulted in five-nation treaty banning build-up of certain military equipment
: <u>Washington Disarmament Conference</u>
8. legislation for veteran bonuses
: <u>Patman bill</u>
9. Roosevelt's initial program to pass as much legislation as possible
: <u>First Hundred Days</u>
10. financial aid to Europe
: <u>Young Plan</u>
11. organization for black persons' rights
: <u>National Urban League</u>
12. British ship sunk by Germans: <u>Lusitania</u>
both guarantee individual freedoms
Secretary of State George C. Marshall. It gave the European nations American aid to rebuild economies.