: All group means equal or 

At least one of the treatment group means are different
<u>Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 213.5 3 71.16667 0.65 0.5975 3.490295
Within Groups 1312.5 12 109.375
MSB = SSB / DFB = 71.16667
MSE = SSE / DFE = 109.375
F = MSB / MSE = 0.650667
3) P-value: 0.597576
The test statistic is not significant and failed to reject the null hypothesis.
4) The test statistic is not significant. So, there is no evidence to conclude that there is a difference between groups.
I am not a business student but I think this is common sense.
Yes most business people do that because they have to make sales, they pay taxes, buy raw materials, time wastage, fatigue, health related issues ,care for their family and would not want to go broke so I think that's most of it.
Hope I helped
Under the Georgia safety responsibility law, if you cannot satisfy a claim filed against you for damages resulting from a motor vehicle collision, your license will be suspended for one year.
Each state has their own standard of laws and what they do as far as license suspencion. Georgia will suspend the license for one year even if another state does it for a shorter or longer period time. Keep in mind each state is different and by checking their moter vehicle websites you can find information regarding their standards of moter vehcile collisions.
Aggregate demand (AD) refers to the total demand for goods and services in an economy in an economy at a given price level.
Components of Aggregate Demand (AD); Consumption (C), Investment (I), Government Spending (G) and Net Exports (X-M).
During the recession, the government can affect aggregate demand by increasing their fiscal expenditures and reduce taxation which is known as Fiscal policy.
Expansionary fiscal policy affects aggregate demand through an increase in government spending and a reduction in taxation. Those factors influence employment and increase household income, which then impacts consumer spending and investment
Fiscal policy determines government spending and tax rates. Expansionary fiscal policy, usually enacted in response to recessions or employment shocks, increases government spending in areas such as infrastructure, education, and unemployment benefits.