A state can be defined as a 'political community' which gathers under one leader and abide by a specfic set of rules and laws.
The early states as those seen in the Sumer, where city-states. Small in size, ruled by a king with the support of the local people and land lords.
The ruler also had a small army to maintain local order and to protect against foriegn invasions.
Minnesota provided a large number of units in the American Civil War proportionate to its small population of approximately 170,000 in 1861-1865, with some 26,717 state volunteers being recorded, although a number of those are individuals who reenlisted in other units.
the first us supreme court case to address the issue of whether :
Individuals has the right to possess firearms for lawful purposes was district Columbia v Heller
The case happened in 2008 and held the second amendment of the constitution
I do not agree.
The arrival of the British in sub-Saharan Africa is part of European Colonialism, widespread in various parts of the world, with the aim of exploring and dominating a region and all the resources available in it.
It is common to hear that colonization was a blessing for the life of the colonies because it took culture, religion and modenity to a region considered "wild" and "inadequate". However, we can say that colonization was not a blessing anywhere, since in these regions the adoption of European culture and religion was imposed in very violent and authoritarian ways.
All colonies, including sub-Saharan Africa, already had a population established and organized according to their customs and religion. This population was different from what Europeans considered "civilized", but we cannot deny, that the natives had their own type of civilization that functioned efficiently between their citizens and their territory.
However, Europeans considered themselves the owners of the truth, and the only ones endowed with knowledge and education. They totally ignored native civilizations and their cultures, considering them wild and impure, which needed European society to put them in what was right. They used this concept to justify all the violent exploitation and acculturation that the natives went through, because they believed that God had given them the mission to "fix" the peoples and end the civilization that was established in the place, without any consideration.
The answer is B!!!!!! Thank me after you pass your test.