1. The South Carolina representatives vote to...
- <em>Why: </em>The SC representatives were protesting the "Tariff of Abominations," which was a high tax on goods. They were not a fan of strong federal power, so they voted to ignore his law.
2. President Jackson is furious about...
- <em>Why: </em>Jackson, oh Jackson. What an unconventional guy. He was an advocate of states' rights at times, but he also had no problems with grabbing the reins and controlling unruly states. He threatened to use federal power, and they eventually succumbed, but this was very controversial.
3. As Jackson raises an army to back up...
- <em>Why: </em>SC realizes that it can't hold up against a federal army, so it backs down.
4. The South Carolina convention decides to accept...
- <em>Why: </em>Congress makes a compromise with SC by allowing it a lower tariff. Obviously this would annoy Jackson, because he didn't want to be undermined, but eventually this led to peace, for now.
Answer by stimulating the economy and Working together, monetary and fiscal policy can prevent another global depression.
because of the incredible size of the national debt limits further government spending.
The first inventions that harness natural energy resource is Water mill. Back then, people use the power of water to move the lever in order to create mechanical movement.
The invention that help transfer water from river to town is aqueduct. Or more commonly knwon as water bridgte, useful to navigate the movement of water.
Lever is the invention that makes lifting weight easier, mostly used in contruction sites.
vertex,2 other points
this does not have a y-intercept because it has a x^2 in it.
How do you know that it has a vertex and it has 2 other points.
you can do opposite of b/2A.
to know what is what: this is how you know;
the A is x^2, the B is the x and c is the #.
If you have a caclutator that is a t-84 one; you can go to the y= sign, click on it, and then type in the equation. Once you have typed in the equation; you can do 2nd button and then the graph button right after to get the table which can get the points.
2 other points could be: (-4,10), (-3,16), (-2,18), (-1,16) and (0,10)
One of the rebellions that erupted throughout Latin America to overthrow Spanish colonial rule, left Mexico with an array of problems that touched upon events in the far northern Mexican province of Texas. Economically, the country faced devastation in 1821. It stood in marked contrast to the rich colony that had promised great potential towards the end of the colonial era. Money barely circulated. Once-rich mines struggled to regain their former efficiency. Ranches and farms were no longer productive. With the economy in shambles, thousands faced unemployment. Entire areas experienced depopulation as people sought out a livelihood elsewhere. Moreover, differences over class distinctions split the nation as the landed gentry, the military, and church officials sought the preservation of the antebellum order, wherein they ruled alongside government. Additionally, many of the country's new leaders had had little prior experience in governing.