Had no bill of rights
Hi person who created this can ya'll add my two insta's alejandrotrujillomorelia atm.alejandroais.student I'm 13 Live in cali
Casualties, Wartime labor, invasion, economic depression.
<span>They can all team up to have a chance at fighting the "white settlers" or Americans.</span>
At the beginning of the 19th century, most Americans had no idea what lay beyond The Mississippi River.
Well, as a patriot our strengths are that we know this land, our families are at stake, and that we fight for what we believe in. We will win this war because we are fighting for what we think is right. Unlike the British redcoats who are fighting because their king has made them. If we lose this fight the lives of our families are at stake and the mercy to the redcoats as well as our posterity.