I believe the anwser is true based on the fact that EHR's create less paper work and fewer storage issues. it would greatly help large and small medical offices'
Ride a bicycle.
Go for a walk.
Meet a friend for lunch.
Read a book
Play a board game.
Attend an exercise class.
Organize old photos, albums or books.
Cook dinner.
Bake cookies.
Binge a few episodes of a favorite TV show.
Call a friend you haven’t spoken to in a while.
Take a nap.
Go to the movies.
C. They should last 20 to 30 minutes,
Innate immunity: Immunity that is naturally present and is not due to prior sensitization to an antigen from, for example, an infection or vaccination. Since it is not stimulated by specific antigens, innate immunity is generally nonspecific. It is in contrast to acquired immunity. Also called natural immunity.
Hope this helps