1. 15°S 60°W - Brazil
2. 60°N 110°W - Canada
3. 25°S 135°E - Australia
I think the common between low-latitude countries would be people's skin color and If you compare the Philippines and its neighboring countries, they have more or less similar physical attributes. Typical Filipinos looked similar with Indonesians.
For Southeast Asia, i would also consider religion is common between the two. Both the Philippines and the other Southeast Asian countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, they have a large number of Muslim settlers while other tropical countries in South America, these countries have similar Spanish ancestry just like the Philippines.
Metamorphic rock that is formed in deep in the faults is mylonite. It is a cataclastic metamorphic rock. Usually they are fine-grained, occasionally can be glassy, that are layered or streaky, with the layers and streaks being drawn by the ductile shear.
As the radioactive materials experience degradation, as underneath the surface in the earth's surface, enormous amounts of heat are generated to send their daughters products.