Is There Any Answer Choices?
Roe v Wade was a controversial case and still is today because it deals with abortion. People have very strong opinions both ways about it and whether or not a woman should be able to have one for whatever reason.
Because the Chinese empire was conquered by the manchurians
The city was Greensboro, North Carolina! On Feb 1, 1960 Four young African Americans sat down and asked to be served but were not served by the white folks. Despite the hate and physical and mental abuse they endured it and continued to sit down.!
The answer is D
As demands for African slaves increased, especailly in the Americas due to the rise in cotton production, many African states became wealthy. Usually, the slaves that Africans sold were crimanls or people who are in debt...or most of the times just brutually captured and imprisoned. Not only that, selling slaves improved the African economy.