Hey there!
Your answer is: To make sure people vote only one, so your answer is option "B."
Hope this helps!
Have a great day! (:
Inequality is an injustice. It slows efforts to eradicate poverty. Inequality slows overall growth. ... Extreme economic inequality creates tension between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' (or the 'have nots' and society in general) resulting in conflict, resentment and crimes like theft and mugging, which can be violent.
Persecution of Christians by the Romans facilitated the rapid growth and spread of Christianity.
In the first three centuries, there was a lot of persecution of the Christian Church by Roman authorities. This ended up having a significant historical effect in that many Christians fled far and wide in the old world and wherever they went they preached the gospel of Christ.
About 12 emperors of Rome in the period 30 t0 311AD went out of their way to persecute Christians, and it was in this periods that Christianity spread widest.
To provied housing for the poor
To provide help for urban renewal projects
True the Buddha didnt consider himself to be a Deity
Followers of Buddhism dont acknowledge a supreme god or deity